Volunteering to play spoons with a gospel/hymn group is Ed's Sunday afternoon play time
You know Ed Zinkiewicz! The host of this podcast series on volunteering, he practices what he preaches. On most Sunday afternoons, he’s at a nursing home—spooning the residents! They love it—so does he! Ed has sung and played spoons with a bluegrass band for more than 35 years. For the past 6 years, the group has been taking their gospel sing-alongs to a very appreciative audience. Watching residents who can no longer talk easily sing makes it easy for him to keep volunteering week after week. “I see their joy, and I have found joy too!” says Ed.
Ed retired from successful 40-year career as a software engineer and took his own advice: He retired to a new passion of helping nearly and newly retired persons find joy, keep up, and make friends. His three-book Retire-To series focuses on social relationships, health and wellness, and finding fulfillment after retirement: Retire to Play and Purpose, Retire to a Better You, and Retire to Great Friendships. Additionally, Ed is a speaker and workshop facilitator on issues related to life transitions, especially around retirement.
Hosting this podcast series has been a particular delight for Ed. “I love hearing so many people talk about the ways they are re-engaging with life and giving back to others. Volunteers are inspiring! What a force for good in the world they are!”
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