The Nashville Adult Literacy Council teaches 1700 adults each year to read and succeed
Through the eyes of Jo-Ann Heidenreich the Nashville Adult Literacy (NALC) seems like a moveable feast! After working as a teacher and administrator for Metropolitan Davidson County Schools for thirty years, Jo-Ann began a second career as an educational consultant in more than twelve states including Tennessee. Now retired, she is volunteering at NALC—a natural choice with her previous background.
The Nashville Adult Literacy Council provides free services to their learners (both adult citizens and adult immigrants), offering classes for basic literacy (reading and writing), classes in English-language basics, GED classes at probation and parole offices, citizenship classes to prepare learners for the exam, and workplace literacy classes tailored to individual employer needs. Volunteers are crucial to the success of the program.
To learn more about volunteering with the Nashville Adult Literacy Council, call 615-298-8060, email info@nashvilleliteracy.org, or visit their website nashvilleliteracy.org.
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