Making a Difference in our Community
Ann Harris brings a strong background from working as Director of the House of Mercy, a residential program for women in recovery and their young children, to her current volunteer role at the Family Reconciliation Center, where she has reconnected with her passion to be part of community programs to improve the lives of families, women, children and youth.
Learning about the world of the court system in Middle Tennessee, Ann is involved in working with families, professionals, and other community people in addressing the critical needs to improve the system, particularly in how courts deal with those who are incarcerated and their families, who also experience negative effects of the imprisonment.
To learn more about the Family Reconciliation Center’s Participatory Defense program or to talk further about volunteer opportunities, please call Ann Harris at 615-356-0012 at the West Nashville location. At the East Nashville location, the Martha O’Bryan Center, contact Eric or Jacola at 615-293-0295.
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