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Bob Day–Parthenon Docent

Ed Zinkiewicz

Serving as an Ambassador—Educating Visitors

As one of Nashville’s ambassadors, Bob Day loves his “work.” His volunteer job takes him and his wife to the museum as docents. Having participated in the docent program training, the two of them now serve as ambassadors promoting awareness and providing education about the Parthenon, Nashville’s full-scale replica of the ancient Greek temple. The couple have been so inspired about what they have learned that they have traveled to Greece and Italy to see firsthand places and objects de art previously they only enjoyed from a far!

Docents play a vital role in offering quality programming to Nashville’s visitors. They are teachers, guides, givers of directions, and public relations experts. The Parthenon program, which started in September 1998, is now in its third decade. Docents there are asked to work four to eight hours a month and commit to one year in various volunteer duties.

Bob reminds everyone. “There is a museum out there looking for you!”

Twice a year, the Parthenon offers training classes. To obtain further information and participate in this fascinating program, contact the Parthenon ( or 615-862-8431). Or reach out to a museum of interest to you in your area.

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