Joyfully Serving the Community—St. Luke’s Community House
Community volunteer Betti Lose goes above and beyond in everything she does. St. Luke’s Community House presented her the Joe Sowell Legacy Volunteer Award, the agency’s highest volunteer award, which is given annually to a volunteer who gives of herself or himself, champions St. Luke’s to others, and sets a great example of servant leadership. Sounds like Betti Lose, for sure.
Betti enjoys the variety of opportunities at St. Luke’s, helping the many people served by that organization. On any given day, she might do administrative tasks, schedule free VITA income tax preparation, assist a senior citizen playing bingo, or shelve books in the wonderful preschool library. She is also the volunteer coordinator for St. Luke’s food programs.
She is continually impressed with the staff, facility, and other volunteers who help the people who live in the neighborhood. Betti says, “I’m embarrassed to be honored for doing something I love doing. My heart is so filled—I haven’t words to describe how I feel.”
St. Luke’s mission is both to help low-income families, seniors, and other individuals in West Nashville achieve their potential and to prevent problems that threaten the stability of families and community, such as food insecurity. From the many ways the agency reaches out, it seems they are accomplishing their mission every day!
An overview for the food programs at St. Luke’s is listed below. Visit their website www.stlch.org for additional information, as well as their front office at 615-350-7893. Christie Bearden, Volunteer and Community Engagement Manager, can be reached directly at 615-324-8375 or christie.bearden@stlukescommunityhouse.org.
Food Bank—Weekdays • 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. St. Luke’s partners with Second Harvest Food Bank to provide emergency food boxes to families and individuals in need. Food boxes provide three meals for two days for each person in the household.
Mobile Meals—Weekdays. This service delivers hot, nutritious meals and a friendly visit to seniors and homebound individuals living in West Nashville.
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