Two Different Ways of “Doing Good for Someone Else”

In Everett Davis’s own words, he gravitates to “doing good for someone else.” Retiring after a career in a bank’s accounting department, Everett found that his expertise in the world of finance (his “head” knowledge) led him not only to volunteer to help his local church with its general ledger but also to assist the broader world of Christian churches. When the international organization, World Convention, needed a financial person, Everett was asked to share his time and talents. World Convention works globally to connect various branches of Christian churches in fellowship, understanding, and common purpose for the sake of unity in Christ Jesus.
Through their local church, Everett and his wife, Judy, also give their hearts to a very different volunteer opportunity. After a series of visits to the most poverty stricken counties of Tennessee, Morgan and Scott, Everett and Judy realized this project was an outreach to which they wanted to devote their time and energy. The Morgan-Scott Project serves the counties’ elderly, disabled, and unemployed persons through activities, training, assistance, and support to help break the cycle of poverty and enable people to help themselves.
Ambassadors for the Morgan-Scott Project, Everett and Judy have been instrumental in recruiting volunteers and donors in Nashville. Storing clothing, shoes, and appliances…actually most anything…in someone’s garage is the norm. When the storage space is filled, a caravan of volunteers travels to Morgan and Scott counties with their wares—all of which will be sold in a store similar to Goodwill—to benefit both the Project, as well as the families who live in these impoverished areas.
For more information about these two organizations, visit and
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