American Dolls–Recipients of One-of-a-Kind Handmade Outfits
Paulette Broadbent isn’t your average seamstress. She has been sewing since she was twelve years old. Her grandmother and mother knew this seemingly “lost art” might be a worthy hobby for a young girl. It wasn’t long before Paulette was using her babysitting money to buy patterns and material to create clothes for herself as well as Raggedy Ann dolls and robes for her family!
Paulette’s passion for creating led her to sew her wedding dress and years later numerous dresses for her daughter and tiny clothes for her Barbie doll. With the granddaughters came a new opportunity. To the delight of the girls, their American Girl dolls are now the recipients of Grandma’s one-of-a-kind outfits.
But Paulette doesn’t just sew to benefit her own family. She also creates and donates doll clothes to churches for their silent auction fundraising. Additionally, she sells the special outfits and tithes the income. The remaining money helps keep her sewing more!
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