A SHIP to Help You Navigate Medicare—for Free!
Kathy Hannen is a volunteer for the State Health Insurance-Assistance Program (SHIP), which is a free health-benefits counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries and their families or caregivers. SHIP’s mission is to educate, advocate, counsel, and empower people to make informed healthcare benefit decisions. SHIP is an independent program funded by federal agencies and is not affiliated with the insurance industry.
If you are on Medicare, check the back of your Medicare book for your state’s contact information. Not yet enrolled? Use the link below. Volunteers are readily available to assist you. They’ll require some information from you, such as the medications you are currently taking, in order to identify the different plans that might fit your needs.
Or look for a SHIP event in your community. People eligible for Medicare can often attend a “Medicare Monday” workshop and learn about options for healthcare the coming year. The service is free and staffed by knowledgeable and compassionate volunteers like Kathy.
The State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) Website: www.seniorsresourceguide.com/directories/National/SHIP/
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