Bringing People Together—To Build Homes, Communities, and Hope
From wife, mother, and homemaker to Habitat insulation specialist, Monk Baird leaves no stone unturned or any grass growing under her feet! A true Nashville community volunteer, she has an impact far and wide, making a difference by delivering Meals on Wheels, preparing and serving meals for Loaves and Fishes, and insulating and building homes for Habitat for Humanity in greater Nashville as well as on the Gulf Coast after a hurricane and in Ireland and Hawaii. Asked how many houses she has helped build…a long pause…“too many to count,” she replied.
“It’s fun, and it makes you feel good,” Monk says about why she volunteers, adding, “If I didn’t stay physically active, I would be atrophied.” Directly helping others is what her life all about. Needless to say in her 85+ years, she not only has made a difference to many, but also has served as an example and mentor to even more.
At Habitat of Humanity, they build. They build because they believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. Volunteers make the homes possible! Churches, businesses, and other organizations offer opportunities to volunteer with a group for a one-day or complete build. Individuals may also volunteer.
To learn more about Habitat, visit www.habitat.org. For additional information specific to Nashville, visit: www.habitatnashville.org.
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