Serving Those in Need—The Little Pantry With a Big Heart
After teaching elementary school for 37 years, Susan Brown found another way to make a connection with others: serving neighbors who are in need through The Little Pantry That Could. After a “100-Year” flood in Nashville in 2010, Stacy Downey realized that access to healthy food wasn’t a widely available resource. She committed to changing that, and The Little Pantry That Could, which she directs, was born.
Giving food provisions like fresh fruits and vegetables, and a variety of shelf-stable goods to anyone in need is the volunteers’ primary mission, but shoppers have other needs, as well. And in whatever way Little Pantry volunteers can help, they will. Susan and other volunteers make personal connections with each shopper, letting them know that they are cared for and that they are important. Also, staff and volunteers believe that having a choice gives persons a sense of dignity, and so visitors are able to take what they need without question.
Born and raised in Nashville, Susan has retired and has also become a Master Gardener. She loves gardening and hiking and volunteering. Three days a week, she is making the world a kinder place, helping those in need.
The Little Pantry opens its doors to people all over Davidson and surrounding counties. To find out more about this unique organization, visit www.thelittlepantrythatcould.org or call or text 615-260-5769.
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