Improving Lives by Connecting People—Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
Everyone has an opportunity to leave a legacy as a registered organ and tissue donor. As a donor, you can save and improve lives of individuals in need of a lifesaving transplant and those whose lives are impacted by tissue donation.Or you can volunteer as an ambassador, telling your story to community groups of how giving or receiving an organ or tissue donation has had an impact on you and your family. Or you can help get the word out through mailings, special projects, and participating in the big fundraising concert. Volunteering at any level helps connect people who have great need with those who can give of themselves.
Sherri Settles, staff with Tennessee Donor Services, talks about how volunteers, donors, and families make donation and transplantation possible. By mobilizing the power of people and the potential of technology, Tennessee Donor Services extend the reach of each donor’s gift, honoring their gift of life. Visit the Tennessee Donor Services website (tds.dcids.org) for more information.
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