Volunteers Teach More Than 1,700 Adults to Read and Succeed Yearly
Julie Kramer is high on the Nashville Adult Literacy Council (NALC) for its two main goals: Teaching American adults to read and teaching English skills to adult immigrants. Working with classes and through mentoring, nearly 600 volunteers teach more than 1,700 adults each year to read and succeed.
Isolated by the need for a new language, immigrants can turn to NALC for assistance. Becoming more proficient enables newcomers to gain access to the larger community by being able to talk to and understand grocers, doctors, potential employers, and so forth. Learning English allows parents to help their children with school. And the NALC’s citizenship classes facilitate the family’s move toward citizenship.
Not being able to read also isolates thousands of adult Americans. Nearly one in eight Nashville adults can’t read at a functional level. Inability to read labels, complete an application form, comprehend a bill, understand a child’s grade card or homework, and so on limits persons’ economic quality of life and also affects their physical and emotional health and family and social relationships. Depending on others to read is both inefficient and humiliating. NALC classes offer remedial reading for those seeking to enter high school equivalency classes.
Volunteers make the difference. Find out more about the program, apply to volunteer, or check the monthly training schedule at nashvilleliteracy.org or email info@nashvilleliteracy.org.
Find other episodes in this series at www.retiretovolunteering.com and facebook.com/EZVolunteering.
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