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Kickstart Video:

4 Retirement False Starts

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I have a video you should see about false starts. My name is Ed Zinkiewicz and I help people like you take that next step to prepare for the challenges of retirement. 

In this video I’ll tell you about 4 ways you can get off to a bad start in retirement, a start that requires you to backtrack and begin again. I’ll also offer priceless course corrections. It’s a two-for: Find out what can happen and find out what to do to avoid it. Aging is hard enough. You don’t want to waste even a little time when these valuable insights can set your path onto better directions.

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If you have yet to retire or have done so recently, there is no better time than now to invest in your journey. Just what will you do in your retirement that will give you great years ahead? You surely don’t want to do the 4 things identified in this video. 

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Take Time Now!

How will you avoid these pitfalls? By taking a little time now to begin thinking about what would make the long-term work out better for you.

I started working with retirees eight years ago largely because I saw people frustrated, disappointed, and just plain unhappy with the choices they saw as their only course of action.

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You can take a better route. Click on the “Wrong Way,”
$-icon. Watch the video. Not yet convinced? Click on the “Watch Preview,” >-icon for a 20-second appetizer. 

My biggest victory comes when people say that I sent them in better directions and got them thinking about important retirement issues. Take Tammy for example; she says, “I have had the distinct opportunity to hear Ed speak on multiple occasions and have yet to be disappointed.  Not only are Ed’s presentations thoughtful, humorous and enlightening, they are tremendously relevant.”


Ed provided me with much needed thought-provoking questions, guidelines, and practical exercises to be better prepared for retirement.

What is Your Best Move?

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And please don't keep going until the whole retirement thing seems so complicated, so complex that you just feel like throwing up your hands in defeat. I promise to unravel the details into bite-sized portions you can handle.

Don’t wait until retirement begins to feel like a ball and chain that you don’t know how to live with. The clear planning steps I give will lift that weight from you.

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Join me. It is your best move.

False Starts Video

Kickstart Video Starts Here

Start here: Click on the “Wrong Way,” $-icon. Watch the video. Not yet convinced? Click on the “Watch Preview,” >-icon for a 20-second appetizer. 

False Starts: Paths to avoid when starting retirement
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How you can make purpose, find friends, and keep active in your retirement.

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